Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Thrones, Maggots, Tomatoes, State Roads - Dreamwork 101
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Paul Moore and Kent Dobson have an unscripted conversation about dreams and dreamwork. For both of us, dreams have been an important and surprising part of growing out of our old ways of being in the world. We're not claiming to be dream experts; we're just curious and open. This conversation is more like a 101 introduction. Enjoy!
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Fumbling Toward Ecstasy (w/ a side of psychic abuse)
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Paul Moore, Kent Dobson. Two friends chatting about…90’s worship music (really?), shame, the esoteric and exoteric, moments of transcendence, manipulation, learning to swim, and perhaps the universal experience of having been cheated by whatever system we happen to be in.
Thursday May 03, 2018
Kanye West is Afraid You Think He's Fat
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Back with Paul Moore! We talk about the cultural epidemic of not growing up, the first and second half of life, and how the soul is always trying to get our attention (plus zombies and MC Hammer). Enjoy our unscripted, not claiming to be experts, conversation.
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Yeah, but not everyone's on board? Paul Moore and Kent Dobson
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Paul and Kent have another unscripted chat about what happens when the world is not on board with our wandeing, shedding social roles, cycles of change. Enjoy!
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Stuff that Helps! 3 Transcend and Include
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
This week, intro to Ken Wilber! I focus on the troubling and life-giving notion of "transcend and include," specifically as it relates to spiritual growth, intelligence or worldviews (from magic to integral). I conclude with a few thoughts on the virgin birth and the crucifixion and my own evolving way of holding these stories. I hope it helps!
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Stuff that Helps! 2 - Gratitude, Grief, New Eyes, Going Forth
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
The second installment of, Stuff that Helps! This week we'll look at the work of Joanna Macy. I'd like to focus on her way of describing transformation and change. And personally, I'd like to talk about the relationship between grief and change. Her work is extensive, so this is just a taste (more than an hour's worth). I hope this helps!
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Stuff that Helps! 1 - The Initiated Adult
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
I’m very excited to talk about, Stuff that Helps! (Updated Version) Ideas, people, books, maps, etc. have shaped who I am and I think you'll find them helpful too. This first episode is rooted in Richard Rohr's work on the initiated (male) adult. In other words, what does a healthy adult look like? His focus is on healthy adult males, something we obviously need in this crazy culture we live in, but I think his ideas move beyond gender roles. Anyway, I hope this stuff helps. For futher reading, check out Rohr's book Adam's Return. Enjoy
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Warriors for the Human Spirit
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
How can we be people of responsibility, action, vision and courage? How can we be "Warriors for the Human Spirit" (Margret Wheatley)? In this episode I wonder how we might turn our attention toward the painful and difficult realities of our culture in the midst of yet another tragedy, as leaders interested in a more generative future.
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
The Sign of Jonah
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
In this episode I take a closer look at the different levels of consciousness hidden in the story of Jonah. This might have something to do with Jesus’ cryptic line about no sign being given, “except the sign of Jonah.” In any case, the invitation at the heart of this mytho-poetic story is more urgent than ever. Enjoy.
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Back by popular demand, Paul and Kent sit down for an unscripted chat. We discuss our age of Narcissism and Nihilism, how we played a role in electing our president, and the deep need to tune into other frequencies if there is any way out of this mess.